aFORDERble Catering offer a wide choice of fayre. This well established local caterer base their operation from our Club kitchens.
Under the guidance of Head Chef Debbie Forder, a wealth of experience, flair and personal touch are brought to every occasion.
The Clubhouse function room at Boyce Hill is available for private hire to anyone who is associated with a current Member. Please contact the office to discuss any hire arrangements you may desire.
The Room hire cost covers staffing the function and is normally £350.00 VAT for a function ending at 11.30 pm. Late Bar requests may be submitted, however will be subject to a further charge.
A request to hold a function must be made in writing to the General Committee by an existing member of the Club. Permission will only be granted if the member who is applying will be in attendance at the function itself.
Boyce Hill Golf Club provides the perfect venue for members and their families to hold their wedding reception. Up to 80 can be accommodated for a wedding breakfast in our restaurant overlooking the 18th green with over 100 accommodated for the evening.
For a much larger event why not consider a 'July' wedding when in the middle of the month the Club erects a large marquee next to the car park, to hold their Summer Ball. The marquee is available to hire for a wedding and will easily accommodate up to 200 people including a bar and dance floor.
Catering is provided by the Club's caterers aFORDERble Catering and exceptional choice and value is available. Early booking for weddings is required please contact the office on 01268-793625